To Glorify a Legend

“Real courage is when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.” This quote by the widely acclaimed and well respected Harper Lee conveys the true meaning of courage. The word, courage, has incredible depth and much perception. I’ve written countless essays in which the main idea was this very quality, but it could mean so many things–eating something you’ve never tried before, skydiving, or climbing Mount Whitney. Lee’s perspective on courage, in my opinion, captures its meaning wholly. Life hurls the most unexpected at the most unconventional times, and one should be prepared to face it no matter the consequences. As a writer, I understand the fear of confronting yourself in order to write out brutally honest words. Then, if you’re brave enough, you share it with the world. Writing is an intimidating yet beautiful art–layers of who you are as a person are peeled away, revealing your reality to yourself and to the people you’ve shared your work with. Harper Lee and other incredible artists were brave enough to let the world  criticize, admire, and hate their work. The motivations and goals of such artists may have been completely subjective, but they all had one common accomplishment–they opened up doors for future content creators to fully realize their potential and have the courage to share their creations. When an artist can accomplish that, I believe he or she is a true hero.

Harper Lee is one of the most insightful authors I’ve ever known. Her masterpiece, To Kill a Mockingbird, emulates perfectly a racist society seen through the eyes of a twelve year old. Having read this in sixth grade, when I wasn’t fully educated on the history or current events concerning racism, I fully came to understand that black people were treated unfairly for a lot longer than I thought. Four years later, reflecting back on this book, I sense that Lee was perhaps trying to point to a deeper message than racism or prejudice towards the lower class. By revealing the perception a young girl has on sensitive, crucial issues, Lee showcases the importance of giving attention to the thoughts of the youth. Had we read the book through an elder’s perspective, or even Cornelia, the black maid, we would probably have seen the typical thoughts of someone who obviously despises racism and would do anything to delete it from existence. However, comprehending the story through a youth’s eyes reveals the mindset of every little boy and girl when they are first introduced to the reality of a highly judgmental society. Showing the world a different point of view on a topic that to this day is the highlight of political debate and outrage portrays Lee’s courage in pointing out society’s flaws in a time when it was uncommon for a woman to do so.

I believe that everyone has an identity when they are born, and throughout their lifetime, they must fulfill it. That fulfilled identity is the only thing they take with them when they leave. The world comes up with a notion of who they must have been throughout their lifetime, and that becomes the new, theoretical identity. No one, except maybe Lee’s closest family and friends, can fully know what kind of goals she had in mind, what motivations she had to do the things she did, or whether the kind of person she is perceived as now is how she wanted to be perceived. She has taken that identity with her. However, the perception  I have of Harper Lee is that she is a hero, rescuing those that were afraid to share and pursue their passions. Through her actions, she has inspired people across the world to not only create content for their own satisfaction, but also to implement a healthy mindset and hope into future generations. By reaching out to the hearts of millions, Lee has established herself as a true legendary artist.

Being Alone

I am a self-proclaimed and proud extrovert. I love being around my friends and even making new ones. Personally, I find comfort in knowing that there are people around me who care about what I have to say. It’s human nature.

I must admit, though, that I get jealous of those introverts sometimes. They manage to remain calm under pressure, and they find security in being alone. It seems to me that society has  a rather twisted image on the “loners.” They use it as a way to mock the unsocial people. Of course, sociopaths are pretty creepy. But categorizing the introverts as such people is not fair. Introverts still have friends and a social life; they are just more comfortable being with themselves. This is something that I wish I could have.

I get anxious when I am alone at some event or even at school. As I said earlier, being around my friends gives me that sense of belonging. One thing I learned, however, is that, as much I’d love to, I can not control people. At some point, I, like many others I’m sure, have tried to see if I had psychic abilities. Reading other people’s minds is something we would all jump at to have if we had the choice. However, we unfortunately have to resort to reading body language or other tell-tale signs to see what the person is thinking. And that too is not always convenient.

There is no way that I could change people or force them to be with me at all times. There have been many times when I found myself alone. Several times, I encountered the fear of being thrown into an apparently dark pit of loneliness. When I found myself in there, however, the atmosphere was cool and comforting. I had the chance to ask myself questions I would usually ask friends or acquaintances. By the end of my stay with Loneliness, I made another friend with myself.

There is nothing wrong with being alone. In fact, solitude gives you a time to reflect on decisions you’ve made you weren’t so proud of, goals you’ve fulfilled that make you joyful, or losses you experienced that tore your world apart. After all, the most important friend you can ever make is you.

Yes, introverts are pretty awesome, and I don’t think we should associate them with the dark, creepy people. You have the always accessible privilege of remaining alone and pinpointing and strengthening your weaknesses.  Give it a try.